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Why We Don’t Outsource Our Technical Support

The Benefits of In-House Expertise: Enhancing Customer Experience through Local Technical Support

For years, as Triton Technologies grew we were approached by many third party IT support contractors. From telephone only, to individuals we were contacted sometimes almost daily. The offers were inviting. Learn why we’ve been vindicated by our decision that we don’t source our technical support.


How We Kept It In-House

Like all things, we did the research and eventually agreed NOT to do third-party outsourced support. The research showed us that the only benefit would be for the company who provided the services, not the MSP (Managed Service Provider) and certainly not the end client. Each call the technician would have to guess at the possible problem and hopefully resolve it within a 15-minute window or be transferred to an actual MSP technician. That sounds good in theory but it never really worked out like that with people already using them.


So years ago we decided to keep it in-house. All service, support, telephone systems, monitoring agents and more have been in control and owned by Triton Technologies.


Now, outsourced IT technicians have their place, especially when you’re just starting out and need to have the resources in order to provide the service, they are excellent. Triton Technologies grew at a managed pace and it never was a major consideration.


Dodging the Bullet

In July 2016, it proved to be an excellent choice. Continuum encountered a sustained hack on their network infrastructure. All clients, end-users, and more were hacked and local accounts were installed across the empire.

Yes, Continuum patched the hole, but the damage was done. Violations of HIPAA, Business Associate Agreements invalidated and hundreds of thousands of end user machines and network compromised.


It’s been nearly 3 months and we are continually getting calls on people existing networks being infected by their previous MSP and wanting us to take over.


Sometimes the best course of action is to keep all your cards close to your chest. If you’re looking for a Managed Service Provider who avoiding outsource our support, contact us.

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