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The Importance of a Clean Background in IT

The importance of having an IT staff with impeccable backgrounds.

In our line of work we have many keys to many kingdoms. That also means that we need to be more secure than all of our clients. That includes not only complex passwords, multi-authentication techniques, tokens and everything is secure. Because of the risk of having breaches within the network not only from a technological standpoint but from a personnel standpoint we have to go above and beyond when doing background checks for our employees to make sure they have a clean background. This also includes asking more pointed questions, a more in depth background check, and checking military and government clearances.

Why a Clean Background so Important?

We have many different clients, from schools, businesses, non-profits, banks, to military and government, and we cannot risk giving our clients IT technicians that do not have a spectacular background. With those types of clients we interact with data and information of an extremely sensitive and personal nature. HR information, financial account information, medical data, and more are presented to us on a daily basis.

Nothing is worse than having to present to your clients that your IT person decided to steal your data and or abuse their authority within your network, and that is why we need to be extremely proactive and not reactive when it comes to personnel.

A Real Life Example

Why are we discussing this? As we grow, we submit proposals for clients. In some proposals we win and some proposals we lose, that’s the nature of the game. We had submitted a bid to a client and lost. It happens. About two weeks later we received an email from the company asking us to come in. We did.

What was explained to us was the company we lost against had failed its background checks for its technicians. Due to the nature of the client, the risk was too great and the contract could not continue. So we picked up where they had started and the businesses continues to be a client to this day. Due to the sensitive nature of the information all of our technicians and personnel had to be background check, which ours did with flying colors.

The Importance of Trusted Staff

Triton Technologies prides itself on the extreme background checks that we do for our people from level I technicians to even the CEO Trave Harmon. Most of our employees are ex-military, government, or have worked with the police in some capacity. We are background checked multiple times a year, and it is made very clear to our employees that any issues that should arise and must be brought to our attention immediately. This ensures that our clients get the absolute best, secure, and highly trained personnel that we can deliver.

As a business owner in the state of Massachusetts with 201.CMR.17, you need to take extreme due diligence when outside contractors access your data. With that regulation in mind clients who work with Triton technologies can be assured of compliance with that regulation. Let us help.

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