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Vendor Management: Good Vendors are Hard to Find

Good vendors are hard to come by.

In 16 years of business, we have dealt with literally hundreds of different vendors. From computer manufacturers, network hardware manufacturers, software, physical developers of infrastructure and more, we can say with certainty that good vendors are very hard to come by.

Why We Do Vendor Management

At Triton Technologies, we do vendor management for our clients, and for good reason. When dealing with a contractor, certain questions were not asked, causing undue hardship and a failure of certain projects. A prime example is internet providers. When asking for internet connection, a lot of businesses assume that when you talk to your internet provider that they know exactly what you want, how you wanted and can install it perfectly. That is true 90% of the time, but businesses are a different beast. You need certain kinds of network connections, static IP addresses, redundancy, and more and if you don’t ask from the beginning, it could take weeks if not months to correct. Check out our blog, Vendor Management: The Balrog, where we stepped in to help a client deal with unacceptable service from their internet provider.

Further Reading

Want to see more of our experiences with vendors? Check out our blogs IT Projects: Vendors Not Following Through and The Importance of Thorough Vendor Evaluations for issues we’ve experienced with clients and their vendors.

Vendor relations and talking to the right people are critical for businesses and how to implement and complete their projects. That is why we recommend that if you have any kind of IT project, cellular project, internet project, website project, or more that you Trition Technologies help you solve those issues. Contact us today.

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